
Top 5 Blog Posts of the Week

5. Q&A with an Orthodox Priest: "Why Do We Need To Fast?"

People should learn how to collect themself, how to control their wishes and how to restrain from their desires. Food restriction is a fight against our passions. You know, people should humble themselves somehow. We need this. Fast is not just a senseless diet. It helps us to reach our salvation, for the Lord says: “Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting” (Matthew, 17:21)…READ FULL ARTICLE

4. St. Sava of Storozhevsk and Zvenigorodsk, the Disciple of the St. Sergius of Radonezh

St. Sava of Storozhevsk and Zvenigorodsk in his early youth left the world, accepting tonsure under St. Sergius of Radonezh, for whom he was one of the first disciples and co-ascetics. St. Sava loved the quiet life, he shunned conversing with people and he lived in constant toil, in lamentation over the poverty of his soul and remembrance of the judgement of God...READ FULL ARTICLE

3. What can we learn from Apostle Andrew?

We are keeping today the feast of St Andrew, whom we call in the Orthodox Church "The First-Called". We meet him for the first time in the Gospel on the banks of the River Jordan as disciple of St John the Baptist, together with him that later became St John the Divine, St John the Evangelist…READ FULL ARTICLE

2. 16 General Tips for Orthodox Living

The following "tips" were written by Mother Pelagia of Lesna Convent, who prefaces them with the remark: "Orthodox families train their children from a very early age to acquire religious habits, in some of which I was myself, as a Protestant, brought up." Her first tips are…READ FULL ARTICLE

1. How to make Prosphoras

The bread used in communion is a special  bread, that is baked every Saturday in preparation for liturgy.   It is stamped with a special seal before it is baked. Here is what I learned at a recent prosphera baking workshop…READ FULL ARTICLE

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